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Using PRP Treatments to Manage Acute And Chronic Pain

back pain

Living with any degree of acute or chronic pain can rob someone of joy and it is a daily struggle that for many consumes all of their time, attention, and resources. Worst of all, finding good lasting relief can be challenging for the vast majority of those suffering. We here at Pinnacle Pain Management are here for you and are ready to help you with acute and chronic pain management. Our highly skilled team of pain doctors and therapists can accurately diagnose the root causes of your pain and determine the right treatment plan or your unique situation. We are pleased to be able to offer PRP treatments for pain management. Stop letting pain run your life and rob you of the joy and satisfaction you deserve- get started today on the road to pain-free living by contacting us today for more information on PRP therapies!

PRP Facts & Information

collection of blood cells

Platelet Rich Plasma treatment is new state of the art injection procedure that uses the body’s own platelets and cells to ease pain. It is commonly used to treat the following conditions:

  • Osteoarthritis of the joints
  • Injury to the neck and spine
  • Knee, elbow, shoulder injuries
  • Muscle and tendon tears
  • Chronic plantar fasciitis
  • Sports related injuries
  • Pelvic instability and pain
  • Pinched nerves
  • Ankle sprains and strains
  • Ligament sprains, tears, and pulls
  • And many more

Here at Pinnacle Pain Management, our platelet rich plasma therapy procedures use a higher concentration of plasma and provide a more powerful treatment plan to address even the most serious and painful of injuries. Our PRP therapy procedures yield some of the best results around and our patients suffer from fewer side effects because of the purity of the PRP mixture that we use in all of our treatments. If you have been looking for acute and chronic pain management and treatment options, then you need to consider PRP treatments for pain!

How Does PRP Help Heal The Body?

The body’s first reaction when you suffer a soft tissue injury of the muscles, tendons, skin, and other areas of tissue is to deliver platelet cells to the area.

Packed with growth and healing factors, platelets initiate repair and attract the critical assistance of stem cells. The platelets help slow bruising and bleeding, strengthen the damaged area to help prevent future injury, and encouraged faster healing. Combined with the regenerative power of stem cells, the injury area will begin to heal. This is the natural body process, but it can take time, so that is why we have worked to develop treatments for healing and pain management using platelets.

PRP’s natural healing process works to intensify the body’s own natural efforts by giving a higher concentration of platelets right to the injured area where it is needed the most. Here at Pinnacle Pain Management we create our platelet rich plasma concoctions using a patient’s own blood. A sample of blood is taken and with the use of a centrifuge the platelets are extracted and this concentrated dose is injected into the injured area. The process is done in our clinic by a lab technician, and because of our larger blood sampling and our unique processing method, we are able to produce higher concentrations of platelets. This means a more powerful punch that yields faster and longer lasting results following the treatment. Because your own blood is used, there is no risk of a transmissible infection and a low risk of allergic reaction or a rejection of any kind by your body. It is a safe natural mix and is proving very successful when it comes to acute and chronic pain management.

How Long Does The Procedure Take?

The procedure that we use typically takes a couple of hours from start to finish and this is including preparation and recovery time immediately following the procedure. All of our PRP treatments are performed in our clinics under the guidance of our skilled and experienced doctors. PRP therapy relieves pain without the risks of surgery, general anesthesia, or hospital stays. Best of all, patients can return to their usual level of activity within 24 hours and without a prolonged recovery time needed. In fact, most people go back to work right after the procedure has been completed.

The frequency of treatments that will be needed to address your pain issues and your unique needs is something that will be discussed between you and our doctors before your treatment. Up to three injections may be given within a six-month time frame in order to achieve maximin effects. However, many people gain a great deal of relief after the first or second injection and many only need one or two treatments a year to maintain the level of comfort. It is important to remember that every individual is different and every case and situation is unique- so there is no cookie cutter treatment plan that works for everyone. Our team will work with you to determine what the best treatment plan will be for you so you can enjoy a life with less pain.

What Are The Expected Results?

Many advances have been made in recent years for acute and chronic pain management and new treatments have been making headlines- but many people are focusing on PRP treatments for pain, and for good reason! Plasma Rich Platelet treatments are providing pain relief where traditional medicine has failed.

Because the goal of our PRP therapy and treatments is to resolve pain through healing, we are focused on helping our patients achieve lasting pain relief. Initial improvement may be seen within a few weeks, gradually increasing as the healing progresses for weeks and months to follow. Many studies and clinical trials using PRP have been done over the years and almost all have shown that PRP therapy is highly effective at relieving pain and returning patients to a healthy and normal life. Both ultrasound and MRI images after treatments with platelets have shown definitive tissue repair and improved healing in the treated area. The need for surgery can also be greatly reduced by treating injured tissues before the damage progresses and the condition is irreversible by providing acute and chronic pain management. All of these results can be enjoyed with Pinnacle Pain Management and our unique PRP therapies. Call us today to set up your consultation and to see what we can do for you and how we can help you achieve your dream of a life without pain!