General FAQs
Do I need an order from my physician?If you are seeing a medical professional, we would like an order from them. However, we do occasionally see patients without a initial prescription from their doctor.
Will I be sent right away for a procedure?No, we would like to perform an initial consultation on you prior to a procedure being performed. This will be done at one of our consultation sites convenient for you. You may call our office at (630) 794-9999 to set up your initial appointment. We will send you a patient pain assessment packet to complete and bring with you.
What if I need a procedure?If an interventional procedure is determined to be your best course of treatment, you will be scheduled as quickly as possible. Our staff of knowledgeable, dedicated doctors and nurses will give you detailed instructions regarding what to expect before, during and after the procedure. Our goal is to make you as comfortable as possible reducing any anxiety you may have regarding undergoing a procedure. The procedure will be performed by one of our double-board certified anesthesiologists and interventional pain management specialists in an outpatient surgical setting. We use X-ray guidance to provide precise needle placement when performing spinal injections. We recommend you make arrangements for a ride home from your procedure.
How do you handle insurance payments?With the ever-changing world of health insurance, we suggest you contact your insurance company directly prior to you first visit to verify your coverage. Fees are based on the type of procedure performed. We are contracted with many of the major medical insurances, PPO’s and HMO’s. We also accept Workers Compensation and Medicare.
Will I be required to take medication before or after my procedure?Each patient is an individual and so is your treatment plan. Our goal is to eliminate or reduce your medications if possible. You will be closely monitored for beneficial results as well as adverse side effects from any medication we prescribe. We will utilize the smallest amount of medications possible to achieve the desired result.
How long will I be in your care?Again, that is a very individualized question and will be determined with your input as well as the input of our physicians.
Will I be sent to physical therapy?Physical Therapy can be a great adjunct to pain control when used at the proper time in your treatment plan. You may or may not be referred to therapy, again depending on you individual needs.
Are any of your staff members bilingual?Yes, our scheduling coordinator and several of our medical assistants speak Spanish. They will be happy to translate any information as needed
Do you have any weekend hours?Yes, we offer Saturday hours for procedures.